
India Data Entry Services owns the rights of this website and domain. The information provided on this website is the sole property of India Data Entry Services and is made available for general informational purposes only. All contents on this website including written text, logos, graphics, images, website template, design and software are the products of India Data Entry Services and, are protected by international copyright laws. It should be noted that any commercial use of the website content such as copying, uploading, downloading, redesigning, modifying, selling or publishing on other domains is prohibited. In case of involving in these activities, the user will be subjected to serious violations of the trademark, copyright and other proprietary rights of the owner of the website, viz. India Data Entry Services. Also, by using our site, the reader or user is agreeing to comply with and be bound by the terms of use set by India Data Entry Services.

Content of this site is published in good faith maintaining the correct and updated information; however, India Data Entry Services does not warranty about the accuracy, completeness, suitability, availability, and reliability of the content. Any action taken seeing the information on this website is strictly at your own risk. India Data Entry Services, under no circumstances, shall be liable or held responsible for any possible losses and/or consequential damages incurred in connection with the use of this website.

Terms of Use:
India Data Entry Services holds the sole right to change, modify, terminate, or discontinue the content and/or services offered on the site with reasonable notice on the website or without any prior notice, at any point of time. India Data Entry Services can also modify access permissions of the users and distributors without notice, if it finds a violation of any applicable law or foresee any harm to our reputation.

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In case of any conflict of interest, all legal proceedings shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in New Delhi and shall be governed by and construed by the laws of India.

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Linking to other Sites:
The website of India Data Entry Services has provided external links to other websites for ease of use and extended information. The responsibility of the navigation to the external links or websites will be solely of user’s and will be recognized that the user of this website understands the potential risk in terms of privacy practices and security of these external websites. India Data Entry Services does not hold any liability of leakage of any personal information or any damage/loss incurred in this manner, pertaining to the use of our website. Also, India Data Entry Services does not endorse or propagate the ideas, views, suggestions, or any form of content on external websites as the hyperlinks take you to another website.

If you require any more information regarding our terms of use or disclaimer or have any further queries in this regard, please feel free to write to us at info@india-data-entry-services.com.